
Langdon Moss is writer, wanderer and owner of Mossy Wander LLC, an Artificial Intelligence Strategy and Storytelling Firm based in Richmond, Virginia. For questions or work inquiries, he can be reached by email at langdonmoss@mossywander.com

Guiding Principal: Be like moss

Moss is one of nature's best bio-indicators of a healthy ecosystem.

It is strong and nutrient-rich. And shares its strength and nutrients with every part of its ecosystem. Plants depend on moss to spawn and grow. Animals and insects depend on moss for food and shelter. Soil depends on moss for anchor against wind and rain erosion. Almost everything moss touches, it strengthens and nourishes.

But moss is also extremely sensitive.

It can sense the slightest environmental shift in the wrong direction, and is affected by negative shifts much sooner than other life forms. That’s because its relationship to its environment is symbiotic. It is a plant of the community, of the environment and of the ecosystem. Not of itself – never of itself.

I aspire to be the same.

I aspire to be like moss.